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About us

Institute For Democratic Governance

The Institute plays diverse roles in promoting participation of civil society and other non-state actors in the pursuit of democracy and good governance, economic growth and poverty reduction, as well as equitable development in Ghana.

Who We Are

The IDEG is a development and governance solutions think-tank established in Ghana in 2000. The institute strategically focuses on policy research, advocacy, interface capacity building and deployment, and knowledge networking. It has designed and implemented several projects successfully across the country.

IDEG - Nework : Governance Issues Forum NetworkCIVIC Forum Initiative (CFI)

The GIF is an integrative participatory mechanism designed and introduced by IDEG in 2004 to promote citizens participation in decision making and development planning at the local and national level.

Network - IDEG

IDEG formulated a project to influence political parties and other stakeholders to commit to the revival of the constitutional amendment process and the democratic reform of local government.

Network - Ideg

Governance Issues Forum Network (GIFNET)

The GIF is an integrative participatory mechanism designed and introduced by IDEG in 2004 to promote citizens participation in decision making and development planning at the local and national level...

Network - Ideg

Civic Forum Initiative (CFI)

The CFI is a broad coalition of civil society actors with membership drawn from advocacy NGOs, policy think tanks, faith-based organizations, community based organizations, youth groups, labour organizations, gender groups, and individual citizens. ...

Our Work - Ideg

Our Work - IDEG

This programme deals with broad and specific questions pertaining to the management of competitive democratic politics as a credible and viable framework for sustaining peace and stability as well as nation-building and equitable development in Ghana...

Our Work


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